Sunday, October 23, 2011

Obama Gambit Google's Miscalculated

Google's earnings knocked one out of the park last week but in other areas, things aren't going as well. Over the last few weeks, Google (Nasdaq: GOOG) Chairman Eric Schmidt had to testify in front of Congress that Google wasn't like Microsoft, and the rules that applied to that company didn't apply to his.

 It comes with a Citrix (Nasdaq: CTXS) client and remote management to keep you IT guys happy (this is a ThinkPad tablet after all), which showcase its business focus. It has an optional dock, but the best option is the keyboard folio. ThinkPads are famous for having the best keyboards, and this one doesn't disappoint. Many of the third-party iPad case/keyboard products are junk. This one is an amazing piece of engineering in that, when you are done, you basically have a touchscreen notebook computer. I can hardly wait to see this thing run Windows 8!
One funny thing is that there are four unique dedicated buttons that folks seem to struggle with. This is because they are designed so you won't push them accidentally, like the initial Kindle buttons were. Once you figure them out, they work like a dream. Price ranges from $499 for the 16 GB version to $669 for the 64 GB version. If you want a tablet that is a ThinkPad, this is your product -- and my product of the week.


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